After skateboarding for more than two decades, Jacob understands the physics of skateboarding and all skateboarding maneuvers. He has a natural teaching ability and is very patient. He can work well with people of all ages races and genders.
My Details
Year(s) of Experience Teaching for GOSKATE
2 year(s) Teaching for GOSKATE
Level of Education
Some College
Years of Experience
What Will Students Get From Lessons With You?
An engaging learning experience fun and no high pressure learn at your own pace
What Types Of Tricks And Skating Can You Teach?
A few of his tricks include: Pop Shove It, 360 Shove Its, Varial Kickflip, Heel Flip, 360 flip Fakie, Big Spin, No comply boneless, Frontside airs, Blunt, Stall to fakie, 5-0 grind, 50-50 grind, Nose grind Crooked Grind Front or Backside boardslide, etc.
What Parks/Areas Are Closest For You To Give Lessons?
All Seattle area Seattle center, Beacon hill, East marginal, Delridge, Judkins, Ballard, Crown hill, Greenlake
United States
Try Jacob risk free. If you don't love your first lesson with Jacob, we'll switch you to another coach or give you a full refund.
Learn street skating, longboarding, vert or everything
1-on-1 private lessons 7 days a week for all ages—you could be a young Shawn White fan or the middle-aged father of one interested in reliving your school/college days or learning an exciting new weekend, holiday, retirement or family hobby.
Customized learning plan—no set lessons structure, learn at your own pace
Reviews 4
Questions? Contact Jacob before you book
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