Yonkers, New York

This is the SBSkateBoards.com tha this located in 6128 Park Avenue, West New York. The shop is the first off this shop is grate it has a pretty wide selection of stuff its real close to allot of skate spots and the
people are grate people should stop by and see what the shops about.

This is the best time for you to get into the wheels for that skateboarding lessons in the area since the Uptown Skate School that is located in 425 East 76th Street, New York. They offer various lessons in the area
like the Skateboarding lessons, New York City, Skateboarding School, skateboarding lessons, longboarding lessons, longboard rentals so you can have a selection of these boards. Protective Pads, skateboards,
longboards, helmets and gloves.

Going to Drop In Skate Park that is located 143 W Rte 59, Hillburn, New York. Drop in skatepark is one of the best skateparks that you can visit around town. It’s a good skatepark its indoors its surface is wood
and its to pay but theres some really good lines for anyone experienced and not very but overall its a good skatepark.

KCDC SKATE SHOP that is lcoated in 90 North 11th Street, Brooklyn. They have men’s shoes and women’s shoes. If you wanna get down and get your skate then take a trip to Williamsburg BK and check out this store and art gallery and skate ramp. This location also host parties and various events so check out the website on the regular to see what’s popping and see the surprises they can offer to the customers.

The 2nd Nature, Mamaroneck tha this is located in 614 Mamaroneck Avenue, Mamaroneck. So the place is skater owned Skater owned and operated, best selection, best prices and if you ever find a lower price we will beat it. So this is the best store that you can go to. Brands available at these Brands Carried? are the Nike SB, Vans, Lakai, eS, Vans Syndicate, 2nd Nature, Emerica, Converse, Adidas and Etnie.

The throgs neck skate park that is lcoated in 2809 E 177th St, Bronx. Its just behind a school in new York so if ever your child is near the place do not hesitate to let him know the basics for a skateboarding lessons.

This article was written by Rob Dunfey,owner of GoSkate.com, a nationwide skateboard lesson service that comes to your closest skate park. Available in all cities around and in all 50 states.


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