
The brain is a glutton that demands like one fifth of the blood and the heart pumps. But the brain also starves quickly if it supply of blood is reduced for any reason, permanent damage can occur within five minutes. That’s what happen when a stroke occurs there is a sudden interruption in the blood flow to the brain and subsequent brain damage. four out of five victimss will survive the first stroke with only one partial brain damage and handicaps of varying degrees.But srokes account for one of every five deaths with cardiovascular disease. About eight percent of these occurs in every people with the age of atleast 60 years old.

The symptoms of stroke can develop within minutes. The victim usually loses conciousness and collapses, the face maybe flushed and then vomiting or
convulsions will or may follow. Often of the brain damage is on one side of the of the brain so it affects the only one side of the body. The muscle
maybe weakened on one side of the body. The pupil in one eye may appear that its larger on the other one. the muscles maybe weak on the other side
of the body and the mouth maybe pulled to one side and that immediate medical attention is important so that it will not lead further damage to the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Recovery is slow and tedious and often involves a program of muscle therapy. Exercises may help a person regain some of the functions that were affected by stroke.many have learn how to walk again.Though it takes time and patience, the effort often means being ale to resume former responsibilities.

The tragedy of the srtoke is that though it strikes suddenly, the the weakend health conditions which leads to its one that develops slowly and is usually
preventable. The cause f stroke is often traceable to lifestyle like lack of exercise,high blood pressure,stress or a diet that is high in fats like
in animal that is really rich in fats.

If a person has arteriosclerosis, a floating blood clot can lodge in one of the narrow arteries in the blood pressure, a brain artery may rupture at a weak point, causing blood to flow into the brain tissue and cutting off the supply of blood to the other areas of the brain.

Developing a lifestyle hat includes attention to health habits will pay off in time. Reducing the chances of becoming a stroke victim is just one of the
benefits that you will recieve if we are not careful with the things that we do in our lives. So constant exercise and eat the right kind of food
is our best way to fight stroke and even fight for our lives.

This article was written by Rob Dunfey,owner of, a nationwide skateboard lesson service that comes to your closest skate park. Available in all cities around and in all 50 states.


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