How Should Skateboarders Vote in 2012?

$15 trillion dollars in debt, controversial wars, entitlements, bankrupt government programs, and porous borders are the center of the debates for the presidency. But which issues matter the most to skateboarders? Of course dedicated skateboarder care about all of the issues, but what about the issues that relate to skateboarding?

So is it Barack Obama, Mitt Romney, Ron Paul, Michele Bachmann, Newt Gingrich, or John Huntsman? To understand the best choice for skateboarders, it is best to look at their principles. None of the above candidates have come out publicly expressing support for skateboarding.

Obama Supports Large Government

President Barack Obama (incumbent). President Obama’s principles have changed from the 2008 election until his presidency when he changed his view on the Iraq War, Guantamano Bay, gay rights, pork barrel spending, and his view on a balanced budget. There are a few principles Obama has been very consistent on: taxing the rich, and stimulating the economy through government spending. Obama has passed through over $15 trillion dollars in spending through stimulus, healthcare, and wars. He has grown the scope of the federal government. Skateboarders who say they want tax payers to fund parks may support a larger government as Obama does. Although it is important to consider that the Federal Government since it’s creation in 1773 has allotted a grand total of $0 to skateboarding parks.

The Federal Government has Never Built a Skate Park

Skate parks growth has largely been supported through private industry, non-profit donations, and local governments. The presidency has little, if anything, to do with the creation of skate parks. More importantly, the presidency has greator influence on skateboarders by the laws and principles by which it governs.

If there is one thing which every skateboarder can agree on, it is we are sick of being told to wear pads, helmets, and $300 fines for skateboarding on the sidewalk. Although most of these laws are governed by the states and localities, it is important that we elect a leader who can influence the localities of one simple principle- Freedom. Freedom to choose where to skate, how to skate, and what to wear skating.

Encroaching Laws on Skateboarder’s Freedom

Anti-skateboarding laws encroach on skateboarders freedom. Some may rightly argue that regulations are needed to stop skateboarders from destroying private property. They would say that skateboarders are loud also. However, what these lawmakers do not understand is that there are already laws in place which prevent someone from being disturbingly loud, and laws that regulate tresspassing. Why do we really need another law?

Comparison of the 2012 Candidates

This brings me to what we need in a presidential candidate- Support for freedom. Less laws. more freedom. Looking at all candidates for 2012, they have all flip flopped and proved their support for freedom in some issues but not in others. Mitt Romney supported reduced health care freedom in Massachusetts, but supports economic freedom. Newt Gingrich was for TARP then against TARP. President Obama was against the war then for the war. But there is one candidate for president who has consistently supported freedom for the past 30 years, Ron Paul.

Mr. Consistency, Ron Paul, He has NEVER voted to raise taxes. He has NEVER voted for an unbalanced budget. He has NEVER voted for a federal restriction on gun ownership. In theory this means Ron Paul would vote AGAINST these silly pad laws, and anti skateboarding laws. Some may say Ron Paul is extreme. Well, that’s fine if you are willing to risk freedom with another candidates.

Sammy Baptista, a pro skateboarder lists “Political Views” on Facebook as, “Niether side allows skateboarding…haha.”

Technically, if Republicans favor less government, they favor less skateboard laws, perhaps less public skate parks. If Democrats prefer
more government, they might prefer more laws, but perhaps more parks.

Some very conservative cities, like Costa Mesa CA and Plano TX, have strict anti-skateboarding laws but nice skate parks. Conservative states like Oklahoma and South Carolina have mediocre parks, but little regulation in them. So is Sammy is right that there isn’t necessarily a better side? Indeed, we are being told what’s right and what’s wrong by politicians who have never touched a skateboard before.
Milton Friedman, a famous economist, and staunch supporter of freedom said, “Libertarianism supports the highest possible amount of freedom without negatively impacting someone else.” In essence, he is saying that helmet regulations are an attack on our freedom. “If I want to make a bad choice, getting hurt will teach me a lesson.”

Sounds fair. After all, Why not let families(Moms and dads), churches, and the individual decide what is most appropriate in each sport? Liberal states, like California, have made pads and helmets enforcable by $355 fine.

It doesn’t matter if you never fall and are 40 year old skate veteran, the government wants you to feel uncomfortable and the stiffness of full padding. Laws like these have been an assualt on American values of freedom, choice, and the influence of the parents.

It’s probably more about freedom than political party, but skateboarders are sick of legislation. Being told where to skate, what to wear.. We are much better off if the government just leaves us alone. Most skateboarder pick skating the streets outside of the park better than $100,000 plus public skateparks anyways!

In conclusion, vote for whomever you want to. It’s a free country. Although, consider the principle of freedom when you go to the polls. Look at the candidates track record. See who has consistent supported the side of freedom. In doing so, you will help skateboarders maintain their sanity in this world of burdensome laws.

This article was written by Rob Dunfey, the owner of, America’s largest skate school


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