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Skateboard Lesson Gift Card #3 (8 Hours of Private Lessons)
Eight 1-on-1 lesson with a Certified Go Skate Pro (anywhere in America) for 1 hour each (8 hours).
-Pick any pro on our website, any public skatepark, and almost any schedule.
-This is valid for all levels, ages 4 and up.
-Valid for over 5,134 Certified Instructors in USA or Canada. Find a pro at www.goskate.com
Your gift card is valid to be redeemed anytime in 18 months.
Beginner skateboarders are typically taught:
-How to push, how to turn, and how to stop.
-Safety and parts of a skateboard.
-Basic skateboard knowledge.
Skateboard Lesson Gift Card #2 (3 Private Lessons of 1 Hour Each)
Three 1-on-1 lesson with a Certified Go Skate Pro (anywhere in America) for 1 hour.
-Pick any pro on our website, any public skatepark, and almost any schedule.
-This is valid for all levels, ages 4 and up.
-Valid for over 5,134 Certified Instructors in USA, UK or Canada. Find a pro at www.goskate.com
Your gift card is valid to be redeemed anytime in 18 months.
Beginner skateboarders are typically taught:
-How to push, how to turn, and how to stop.
-Safety and parts of a skateboard.
-Basic skateboard knowledge.
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