Natural Ways to Boost Your Memory

Learn a new language,skill,tackle a crossword and increase intake of fruits and fish and vegetables.This ore our simple ways to we think that we can sharpen our mind with this thorough workout.Have you experienced going to your room and you forgot why you go there?or graplling for a right word?his is because of the lapses of memory for the passing years.But forget about this memory loss and this has not be inevitable part of getting older.

Scientists have actually think that brains have regenerated however,there are studies that we can do to prevent cells from dying as well as build new connections to them.Evidence found out that there are possible ways to improve and retain memory through a variety of lifestyle.

Here are the natural tips that we can do to boost our memory, FIRST is intake of food that is high in omega 3 found in cod liver oil  and also in oily fish this can help prevent damage of the brain cells and keep memory sharp.  SECOND is become a list less so expert suggest  that you will have to memorize items you need along the route like when you go shopping for instance.  THIRD is that a diet that is good for the heart is considered good for the mind too.Study shows that having high blood levels of this hemocystein which is an amino acid that is linked  to the cardio vascular disease have been implicated in dementia so in order to reduce this one must take food that has high in  folate which can be  found in green leafy vegetables and we should cut down fatty foods in our usual diet. FOURTH is learning a new language is a good brain training.  FIFTH is grow in your garden and brew it as a tea for a lemon since the 16th century they used quick lemon balm to quicken their senses. SIXTH is giving a brain a work out such as playing number puzzle word like Sudoku since this game requires complex reasoning skills which you will   use more than one part of your brain building networks in different areas. SEVENTH is having a mind game with your loved ones like cards,chess which  forces you to think ahead and will keep the memory sharp and progresses as you go through life. EIGHTH so when remembering names of the certain person picture something that you can associate with that person for you to remember the name. NINETH get a newspaper or a magazine that you can read and pay attention to what you are reading. TENTH taking a food supplement of the ancient ginkgo biloba which though to boost memory since it will thin the blood so as improving oxygen circulation to the brain.
Some tips includes for you to be able to protect the brain cells one must eat diet rich anti-oxidants which can be found in fruits, vegetables,nuts and seeds. You can also sharpen you wits by chewing a bubble gum studies shows that those who take exams that chew gums during test have actually high scores that  those who do not chew a gum.One can also do a walk for this helps in getting the heart pumping and  generates brain nourishing chemicals that act as a fertilizer to help grow new cells.Studies also shows that regular drinking of green and black tea can prevent age related memory loss according to scientist.And not only that  people who have plenty of friends like a social contact are likely to develop serious memory problems and can stimulate the mind keeping memory and mental ability sharpen.And do not forget to take Iron as a vitamin supplement since this vitamin helps carry oxygen around the body and that includes the brain.You can get iron from eating chicken,fish,also in fruit juices.

This article was written by Rob Dunfey,owner of, a nationwide skateboard lesson service that comes to your closest skate park. Available in all cities around and in all 50 states.


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